Building Owners & Managers Association of Westchester County
November Meeting
"Preparing for and Preventing the Active Shooter in Your Building and Security Technologies for Today's Challenges"
Thursday, November 10, 2022
William Stump, CPP - President, SSI Programs
Larry Santangelo, President, Video Experts, Inc.
Program Highlights
Bill will be addressing the ways to make your property defensible against the threat of the active shooter along with providing the techniques to bolster the physical security. Additionally, he will address the steps to take in building policies to mitigate the losses.
Larry will present the full spectrum of available technologies to combat today's security challenges. He will share his expertise on the latest surveillance systems controlled with Artificial Intelligence technology, auto tracking with alarm alerts.
About the Speakers
Bill Stump is a forty plus year veteran of the security industry and is recognized as an expert in the field. Mr. Stump has directed security for some of the Country's largest public events including Super Bowls, World Series, The Papal Visit, The1984 Summer Olympics, and two Presidential Inaugurals.
Larry Santangelo has been in business almost 40 years and is an experienced and resourceful local security integrator who has helped hundreds of clients with sophisticated and complex security solutions.
Location: Westchester One, 44 South Broadway, White Plains
Parking: Parking will be made available in the building’s lot
Schedule: 11:45 AM Registration & Networking
12:00 Noon Lunch & Presentation
Cost: $65.00 – Members $85.00 – Non-Members
Register online or email to: boma@usa.net
or call 800-726-6224
BOMA Westchester - PO Box 7250 - N. Arlington NJ 07031-7250