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    Building Owners and Managers Association of Westchester County, NY

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April 7th Luncheon "Active Shooter Survival Strategies"

  • April 07, 2016
  • 11:45 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Reckson SL Green Metro Center, 360 Hamilton Ave., White Plains
  • 0


  • Special price for members

Registration is closed

    April 7, 2016

  "Active Shooter Survival Strategies"

Jin Kim, Special Agent, PTI at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, New York Division, will discuss the current outlook on active shooter attacks in the U.S. and focus on individual survival techniques and strategies for today's world.

Topics include historical case review, FBI Active Shooter Report & shooter profile facts, strategic concepts, barricade techniques & alternative methods, truth & myths about firearms, structure hardening & site preparation, and dynamic threat considerations.

EVENT DATE:  Thursday, April 7, 2016

TIME:  11:45am Registration  12:30pm Program

ADMISSION:  Members $60;  Non-Members $75

Thank You to Our Event Sponsor!


Online RSVP - See left sidebar

Email RSVP - Email Marianne at



The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of 88 BOMA U.S. associations and 18 international affiliates. Founded in 1907, BOMA represents the owners and managers of all commercial property types including nearly 10.5 billion square feet of U.S. office space that supports 1.7 million jobs and contributes $234.9 billion to the U.S. GDP. Its mission is to advance a vibrant commercial real estate industry through advocacy, influence and knowledge.​​ 

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