February 15th MEETING
Alternative Energy Options for Indian Point
What affect will the closing of Indian Point mean for utility users in the County and State? Thomas Bourgeois, Deputy Director at the Pace Energy and Climate Center, at the Pace Law School in White Plains, NY will give his insight on the situation.
Mr. Bourgeois is Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Northeast CHP (Combined Heat and Power) Technical Assistance Partnership based at Pace University. He co-directs the Partnership with Dr. Beka Kosanovic at the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s School of Mechanical Engineering. He and Dr. Kosanovic have lead this Center since 2004. Tom has researched and written extensively on the market conditions, market potential, and regulatory, market and technical barriers to microgrids, CHP, distributed generation, demand response, and renewable energy.
Sponsored by:
Wallico Maintenance Group
Location: Westchester One, 44 South Broadway, White Plains
(Parking for those who use the buildings parking garage will be validated)
Schedule: Registration 11:45 am
Lunch & Presentation 12:00 – 2:00 pm
Cost: $60.00 - Members $75.00 - Non-Members
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click REGISTER left side of this page
or Email Registration to Marianne at boma@usa.net
or Call 1-800-724-6224
BOMA accepts checks and cash only. Payment is requested at the door or should be mailed to the BOMA office. Thank you!